Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Interview: Shaima sabt

For my assignment I chose o interview the Arabic actress Shaima Sabt who happens to be my sister. Ms. Sabt has been an actress for the past 20 years. She started since the age of 8 in local theaters and then moved to local television by the age of 10 and had her first big role and her first glance at the world of fame. During her teenage years she acted in bigger roles and was known all over the Arabian Gulf. She is now 30 years old and she has so far been in meaningful video clips thanks to her acting skills which get the viewers emotional, she has also been a host for television shows in the most watched shows on popular Arabic channels, acted in over a 100 seasonal series, hosted radio shows and had a few musical singles, basically, I would like to say I am proud of Shaima Sabt as a sister and as an Arabian woman because she is multi-talented.
Because she is well known and I am close to her, I feel like I can show everyone a different side of Shaima that they haven’t known. To do that, I have interviewed her by asking her unique kinds of question who define who she is when she is away from the spot lights.
The following are the questions I have asked her during our interview:

- Shaima, you have 3 degrees from the university of Bahrain and spent 10 years of your life as a college student; what were the majors you have studied, why, and what did you dream to study when you were younger but you did not get a chance to?

I love learning and studying, I have various interests and have an attitude towards learning all about each one of them. First I studied civil engineering because my family encouraged me to, but it was never a major that I really preferred studying. After that I studied media as it is my career and psychology because it interests me. One specific subject that always got my attention since a very long time ago was ‘Bio-psychology’. What is really special about this field is that it has the power to heal or in worst cases helps heal physical disease or illnesses through psychology. Unfortunately, it is difficult for me to pursue this dream at the moment as it has not been introduced to the Middle East yet.

- If you were going to be a business person, what would your specialty be?

I would definitely be in marketing, considering my experience and knowledge in that. I have been advertising and marketing products to television stations and their owners, which gives me a general knowledge and experience. You could say I have marketing back ground, that is why I am going to choose marketing.

- Away from business and studies, you were in a talk show called ‘Banaat Hawaa’ (girls of Eve) in the LBC; and during one of the episodes about United States president Baraak Obama, you were one of his big supporters, why?

First of all, because Obama got elected by not just one segment of the people of the united states, he was voted for by different types of people from the United States regardless of their race, tradition and origins (White, Black, Yellow, Asian, Arab, Latin…etc.).
Obama stated five main foreign policy goals:

· Bringing a responsible end" to the war in Iraq and refocusing on the broader region.
· "Building the first truly 21st century military and showing wisdom in how we deploy it."
· "Marshalling a global effort" to secure, destroy, and stop the spread of weapons of mass destruction.
· "Rebuild and construct the alliances and partnerships necessary to meet common challenges and confront common threats," including global warming.
· "Invest in our common humanity" through foreign aid and supporting the "pillars of a sustainable democracy – a strong legislature, an independent judiciary, the rule of law, a vibrant civil society, a free press, and an honest police force."

That is the main reason which makes me one of his big supporters and there are many issues that got my attention like issuing new statement of policies like economic policy, social policy, foreign policy. He mentions everything (health care, education, social security, wages, new payroll for taxes … etc).

Moreover his speeches regarding the Arabs were assuring the Middle Eastern as well as he's attempt to bring to an end the wars. On the other hand he's the first African American who made it through to the white house and turned out to be the president of the United States of America subsequent to the American slave era.

- After the discussion concerning politics and its supplementary, tell me about your favorite movie and why?

My favorite movie is Vanilla Sky, Vanilla Sky" is a scrupulously moral picture. It tells the story of a man who has just about everything, thinks he can have it all, is given a means to have whatever he wants, and loses it because--well, maybe because he has a conscience. Maybe not, maybe just because life sucks. Or maybe he only thinks it does. This is the kind of movie you don't want to analyze until you've seen it two times.
Each film on the psychological analysis of the figures must be complex, confusions or complication consider as a psychology but when it comes to you to mix compound «Aodib» with compound «Narcisse» and share with a «Electra» and «MIDAS» with the mix of «Brutus» the cook will ruin & get spoil No matter how was the cooker is psychologically a skilled

"Vanilla Sky" blurs reality and fantasy, veering into sci-fi territory. Most people have difficulty understanding this puzzling movie in a single viewing. I liked Tom Cruise's performance and thought there was good romantic chemistry between him and Penelope Cruz.
I've seen it two times. I went to a second screening because after the first screening I thought I knew what had happened, but was nagged by the idea that certain things might not have happened the way I thought they had. Now that I've seen it twice, I think I understand it, or maybe not. Certainly it's entertaining as it rolls along, and there is wonderful chemistry of two quite different kinds between Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz on the one hand, and Cruise and Penelope Cruz on the other.
OK, for those of us still in the room, and without revealing too much: Julie drives up just as David is leaving after his night with Sofia, offers him a lift, drives off a bridge in Central Park, kills herself, and lands him in front of "the best plastic surgeon in New York" with a horribly scarred face. This time thread is intercut with another one in which a psychiatrist (Kurt Russell) is interrogating him about a murder. He insists there was no murder. Maybe there was and maybe there wasn't, and maybe the victim was who we think it is, and maybe not.
Vanilla Sky" has started as if it is about David's life and loves. It reveals an entirely different orientation (which I will not reveal even here in the room), and, to be fair, there is a full explanation. The only problem with the explanation is that it explains the mechanism of our confusion, rather than telling us for sure what actually happened.That's why I went to see it a second time. In general, my second viewing was greatly helped by my first, and I was able to understand events more clearly. But there was one puzzling detail. At the second viewing, I noticed that the first words in the movie ("open your eyes") are unmistakably said in the voice of Sofia, the Penelope Cruz character. If the movie's explanation of this voice is correct, at that point in the movie David has not met Sofia, or heard her voice.How can we account for her voice appearing before she does? There is a character in the movie who refers to a "splice." We are told where the splice takes place. But consider the source of this information--not the person supplying it, but the underlying source. Is the information reliable? Or does the splice take place, so to speak, before the movie begins? And in that case ... but see the movie and ask the question for yourself.

It's a movie without a doubt brings feelings of all human emotions from remorse to hatred and revenge and goes through to envy, love and all that comes to your mind and that goes through psychologists mind as well, and the meeting was spilled all issues in two hours, and that was a very serious weakness point in the movie where overcrowding could have made it ten films, and reserves Dozens of scenes surplus to decorate other films.

-In conclusion I would like you to talk about one of your dreams, what are your goals, in other meaning what do you wish to accomplish & are you satisfied with what you had achieved & done?

First of all there are many sides of dreams, like my personal dream to have a stable life full with happiness and to get married to a good person, in social side my dream is to be loved by everyone, and to makes a good influence to the society.
Since I started working I stopped playing sports, so my dream in the health side is to be healthy & playing sports. But the real dream that I really want to achieve is to be able to give a good influence to the public issues & resolve it in any good and possible way.
Finally I wish to all a happy Christmas & a new year and all the best

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

"BLACK" Movie

Black is her world. No sight, no sound and no words to speak. Young Michelle suffocates in the vacuum of her inner world. She is like an animal living in the dark.

Michelle McNally a girl who becomes deaf and blind after an illness at the age of eighteen months. Born to an Anglo-Indian family, Michelle is a bright, intelligent girl whose world is dark, black and silent. She cannot communicate with the outer world. Nor can she comprehend the forms and shapes of things.
This story has been written in philosophic way, as the Greek philosopher Heraclitus said “much learning does not teach understanding” this is an example for the time that Michelle family patience, but the teacher did not give up; he believed that learning is practice, good behavior; learning is the education of the mind, and the building up of performances, he continued teaching her the forms and shapes of things until she become well educated lady. Also as the Chinese Proverb said “Be not afraid of growing slowly. Be afraid only of standing still." This quote explained how Michelle faced her filer. Although she had field many times but she had never learned that there is something called impossible. Michelle is ambitions, she never give up, she & her teacher were dreaming to see Michelle wearing her graduation rob, they didn’t give up until she make her dream come true. He kept teaching her & she kept trying her best to reach to the topes point.
Lao TZU the Ancient Chinese his quote was about the opposite between things and related in such way. “Heaviness is the root of lightness” and in black there is many opposite things, but they focused in the black\dark Vs light, Michelle, she lived her childhood in dark she was surrounded in the black until she learned what does light mean, how could light makes her a life, light is knowing, learning, and education. Light is knowledge, she realized that light is the way to be free from darkness.
Michelle has many strong lady characters, she is intelligent, strong personality, survivor never gives up, ambition, and she is loyal, Debraj her teacher dreams to make her a graduate. But a quirk of fate awaits them as he slowly begins to lose his memory. He succumbs to Alzheimer's and one day she loses him completely, she is in search of her lost teacher She finds him after 20 long years, near her home with his memory completely gone that he cannot even recognize her, the reason was his debilitating health and his Alzheimer’s attacks make him bedridden. But Michelle never left him, she wanted to, return the favor that he been through with her in all events from the day she was a kid until now he is the one who made her educated.

Debraj, the tutor of manic proportions raging into the darkness like a Shakespearean tragic-hero. He played a strong role, he is the one who slowly introduces Michelle to the world of light and sound. With his help she tries to make sense of the pitch dark world around her. She learns her first words. The teacher becomes her constant companion and he has big ambitions for her. He helps her to get into a regular college and sits with her during class interpreting the lessons to her through hand contact to fulfill their.

Debraj is not only a teacher he is a brilliant teacher, he invented a new way of teaching, when he met Michelle he was so inspired to teach her, cause he believed that she is a human being & she can live just like any others can & she should be treated like others, not like animals or different. Debraj’s first encounters with Michelle are far from pleasant. But soon he realizes the immense potential the girl carries and decides to use entirely new methods to teach her. He teaches her the language of touch and smell so that she begins to learn about the things and creatures in the world she cannot see.

Debraj is smeller to Michelle, and may that why they are concerted, both are intelligent, strong, loyal, and they never give up, although Debraj slowly begins to lose his memory, he was trying to remember, he didn’t give up until he had the Alzheimer’s attack.
I really loved the movie because it’s one of the kinds it mixed of different feelings. It makes u laugh or cry.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Drinking Water

Drinking is the act of consuming a liquid through the mouth. Water, for example, is required for many of life's physiological processes, and excess or decreased water intake is associated with health problems.

Studies proved that daily intake of 1-2 liters of water are required for the normal physiological human body, depending on ambient weather conditions and diet (especially salt intake). The absolute minimum over the long term is about 1.6 liters. This includes water contained in food (i.e., it is not essential to drink 1-2 liters of water a day for survival, though it is often recommended for good health).The sensation caused by dehydration of the body is called "thirst". The sensation of thirst is a dry feeling in the back of the throat and an intense desire to drink fluids. Thirst is regulated by the hypothalamus in response to subtle changes in the body's electrolyte levels, and also as a result of changes in the volume of blood circulating.
Humans can’t stop drinking water, because it’s important for there body, and may die of thirsty. Even doctors recommend drinking water when you are sick because it replaces the loss of the water in your body.

Lion :)

For many years the lion was my favourite animal. It is a magnificent specimen, proud and glorious and quite rightly holds the title 'King of the Jungle'.

Of all the great cats, the lion has always held a supreme place in man's esteem and imagination. The lion has always been honored by man, crediting the regal beast with attributes he prizes most; nobility, courage, loyalty, combative skills and sexual prowess. This attribution applies to both sexes, for a lioness is a creature of sinuous beauty ,but the full-grown male, whose magnificent mane ranging in color from a rich golden brown to a deep blackish-brown, mark him as the veritable monarch of the plains. The legacy of the lion, King of Beasts, as the model throughout history is demonstrated by its appearance among the earliest drawings made by humans over 15,000 years ago.

I wrote about lions not just because it’s my favorite animal, but it’s also my horoscope. Lions are the best spices animal their habitats are climbing trees to rest and cool off, or sometimes to escape stampedes. During the day, lions rest by water holes or salt licks, but at night these places are usually reserved for hunting.